

  • Clients Supported 752
  • Clients in Country Areas 75
  • Plan Utilisation 74.52%
  • Clients who completed interventions and no longer need services 175

Early Childhood

  • Clients Supported 10,500
  • New Referrals 4,800
  • Enquiries Received 12,000
  • Plans Completed 5,000+
  • First Plans Completed within 90 Days 96%

For the 23/24 financial year Kudos met expectations set by the NDIA Performance
Management Framework achieving the highest Focus Area Rating 1 in areas of:

  • Outcomes
  • Practice
  • Connections
  • Insurance Approach
  • Community Capacity Building

Interested in more numbers?

View Our Financials and Director Attendance

Reconciliation Action Plan

We are proud to launch our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan which will guide our commitment to reconciliation in the way we work.

Our collective vision for reconciliation is to acknowledge, embrace and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. We aspire to build strong and enriching reciprocal relationships with First Nations people and communities that foster unity, truth-telling, equality, opportunities, and respect.

View our Reconciliation Action Plan

Pauline Wilton

(Leigh Creek - Iga Warta)
currently living in Port Augusta

“I have been very interested in art at an early age in high school and as an artist, I started dot painting 20 years ago. I am very fascinated in sharing my Aboriginal Culture through my dot paintings telling stories. Without the ability to actualise an idea or concept, art would not exist. My work is a constant search for the best way to interpret the ideas that I have about myself and the world that we live in. I try not to limit myself to one medium, style or concept.

“I have been very interested in art at an early age in high school and as an artist, I started dot painting 20 years ago. I am very fascinated in sharing my Aboriginal Culture through my dot paintings telling stories.

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Key events and collaborations include:

Nunkuwarrin Yunti MOU | Metro wide Service Delivery Collaboration NAIDOC in the North Event | Connected Beginnings stakeholder ( Playford/Salisbury) | Significant internal organisational education pieces with NRW, NAIDOC and Children’s Day Reconciliation Breakfast | National NAIDOC Awards hosted by Kaurna Adelaide on ABC and invited by KWY

The art story shows the South Australian outback, city, regional, Riverland and coastal families meeting together with Kudos.

  • The top half of the artwork shows families living in the outback and regional communities.
  • The bottom half of the artwork shows families living in the city and near water – oceans and rivers.
  • There are 5 central circles:
  • The central yellow circle represents Kudos Services.

  • The far left blue circle represents the families that live in the city and near water.

  • The far right brown circle represents the families that live in the outback and the regions.

  • The two central darker brown circles represent travelling country. There are two light coloured lines linking the central blue and brown circles to the central yellow circle – This represents families from the city and outback walking across country to meet with Kudos Services to become part of the Kudos Community of Care.

“Jack has encountered numerous challenges over the years. We have only been able to trust and rely on a handful of people, and one of them is Nata. She has been a strong, compassionate source of support for both Jack and myself over the years.

Jack has a small team that has never turned their backs on him, no matter how difficult things got, and Nata, along with Kudos, are part of that team. I’m not sure where Jack would be today without Nata’s unwavering support and we are incredibly grateful for the ongoing belief in him.”

 – Jodie

Paula, our physiotherapist, along with Jess and Kosta, worked together as a great team and provided constant support to our family. They were always available, passed on messages, and coordinated everything perfectly.

Their care not only helped her but also made me feel truly supported throughout the process.

– Fatema

With the help of Kudos speech therapy and occupation therapy, my daughter and son have both improved in their learning and speaking skills.

I’ve noticed they no longer sit on their own, they actively get involved with other children. My children have come a long way. I’m so thankful for the help of Kudos.

– Desma

Kudos therapists, Erin (Speech) and Arielle (OT), have been incredibly dedicated and supportive of our daughter, Miss L*. Their regular updates and home visits have made a huge difference, respecting our culture and being so kind. We’ve seen Leah* confidence grow at school and home, and her speech has improved significantly. The staff, including our helpful NDIS coordinator, always go above and beyond. I’d recommend Kudos to any family seeking support.

– Donna

Erin our Kudos speech therapist, has made an incredible difference in my cousin Emma’s life. Thanks to her dedication, Emma can now use a phone to call for help in an emergency.

Erin’s patience and effort in building rapport have been invaluable, especially since Emma struggles with new providers. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking care. We’re so grateful for Erin’s continued support—she’s truly gone above and beyond for our family.

– Erin

  • Paula, our physiotherapist, along with Jess and Kosta, worked together as a great team and provided constant support to our family. They were always available, passed on messages, and coordinated everything perfectly.

    Their care not only helped her but also made me feel truly supported throughout the process.

    – Fatema

  • With the help of Kudos speech therapy and occupation therapy, my daughter and son have both improved in their learning and speaking skills.

    I’ve noticed they no longer sit on their own, they actively get involved with other children. My children have come a long way. I’m so thankful for the help of Kudos.

    – Desma

  • Kudos therapists, Erin (Speech) and Arielle (OT), have been incredibly dedicated and supportive of our daughter, Miss L*. Their regular updates and home visits have made a huge difference, respecting our culture and being so kind. We’ve seen Leah* confidence grow at school and home, and her speech has improved significantly. The staff, including our helpful NDIS coordinator, always go above and beyond. I’d recommend Kudos to any family seeking support.

    – Donna

  • Erin our Kudos speech therapist, has made an incredible difference in my cousin Emma’s life. Thanks to her dedication, Emma can now use a phone to call for help in an emergency.

    Erin’s patience and effort in building rapport have been invaluable, especially since Emma struggles with new providers. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking care. We’re so grateful for Erin’s continued support—she’s truly gone above and beyond for our family.

    – Erin

  • Exceptional Needs Unit

    The Therapy Services team at Kudos are extremely proud to have established a great relationship with the Exceptional Needs Unit, based within the Department of Human Services. The ENU has provided contracted therapy services through their Non-Resident Disability Support Pathway. This pathway is a specific support stream for people with disability, who cannot currently gain access to NDIS funded supports due to their visa status.

    Our therapists and Support Coordinators are working alongside therapists from other organisations to provide assessment, early intervention, ongoing allied health supports, social work and case management to families in the pathway, and supporting them with their transition to the NDIS once they become eligible. Fantastic outcomes are being seen in this space and our team has thoroughly enjoyed the challenge that this work has brought our therapists, along with the opportunities to work alongside other stakeholders, both government and non-government.

    Exceptional Needs Unit

    The Therapy Services team at Kudos are extremely proud to have established a great relationship with the Exceptional Needs Unit, based within the Department of Human Services. The ENU has provided contracted therapy services through their Non-Resident Disability Support Pathway. This pathway is a specific support stream for people with disability, who cannot currently gain access to NDIS funded supports due to their visa status.

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    • 7,991 hours of school support
    • 350+ schools
    • 12 regions

    Age ranges of participants

    Most wanted disciplines

    In the Community

    Kudos’ engagement team bridges the gap between families, community services, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The team works to ensure priority populations, like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, and families in complex situations, get the support they need. They collaborate with key health, education, and community partners, promoting early intervention and universal access to services.

    Department of Child Protection

    Our relationship with the Department of Child Protection Regional Disability Consultant team has been instrumental in addressing issues and concerns for families as they arise. Kudos’ emphasis on close collaboration as a key driver for improving access to services for children and families is demonstrated through this partnership and has been invaluable in overcoming best practice and workflow challenges across our shared community of stakeholders.

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    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families

    We have established connections with several Aboriginal-specific organisations, including Aboriginal Community Controlled Health services, to build and maintain a trusting relationship between Kudos and the community. Through ongoing collaboration, we prioritise engagement with the Connected Beginnings program, an Australian Government initiative aimed at giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children the best start in life. This program brings together Education, Health, and Aboriginal communities. Our team has thoroughly enjoyed engaging in this partnership attending regular meetings, participating in expos and family days, and delivering information sessions to support this important partnership.

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    Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities

    We are proud to be a contributor to the Multicultural Communities Council of SA project, working with Community Connectors from nine different communities, including Syrian, Burundi, Congolese, Hindu. The project focused on ensuring that the connectors understood developmental delays and referral pathways for children.

    The team received warm feedback on our attendance at family days and community events designed to build trust and help to reduce barriers to referrals and access to support. Through this experience, our team acquired valuable insights into disability within CALD communities and subsequently developed resources kits to help early childhood practitioners provide culturally responsive services when working with these families.

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    The true value of having Kudos Services involved in School Parent Group sessions has been in fostering positive connections within our community which reflects our schools’s core values of belonging. By working collaboratively with our families and myself (Autism Inclusion Teacher), we have created a more inclusive environment, empowering parents to seek out the support they need for their children. Families feel safe and at ease, which has opened the door for them to listen to and benefit from the guidance and advice provided.

    ➡️ Read More

    By building trust and partnerships, Kudos ensures children and families are connected to the right services at the right time, making a lasting impact on South Australia’s early childhood system.

    informing, supporting and collaborating with sa’s early Childhood and Family Support Networks

    Key Engagement Approaches


    Share critical information with families and communities through events and sessions.


    Gather feedback to understand needs and improve services.


    Work with families and organisations to develop better solutions together.

    Community Capacity Building Projects

    Projects designed to enhance the ability of mainstream and community services to be more inclusive and accessible for children with developmental delays, concerns, and disabilities.

    Kudos has developed 5 CBB Projects across the year, reporting 100% of these to be completed and/or on track with expectations.

    • NDIA Target 70%
    • National Average 98.2%
    • Kudos 100%

    Playgroups SA


    South Australian families have long reported difficulty finding Playgroups that meet the unique needs of their child. Our team engaged with the community including Playgroups SA, Office of Early Childhood Development, individual Playgroups and families to develop accessible solutions.


    The Kudos Engagement Team worked with Playgroups SA to co-create materials specifically for families with children with disabilities. Community stakeholders reported more awareness and better understanding of the benefits of playgroups, and the different types of Playgroups available in SA, including those designed to work with priority populations. The Kudos website has been updated to reflect the benefits of playgroups to support early childhood practitioners in celebrating and sharing the benefits of playgroups by providing resources to match families with their community representatives. Enhance Your Child’s Development Through Play – Find a Playgroup

    The Royal adelaide show project

    In early 2023 the Royal Adelaide Show was identified as an event that presented inclusion challenges. Our Project objective was to survey the experiences of families of children with developmental delay or disabilities, aged 4-9 years; identify positive experiences, barriers, challenges, and family led solutions, about how to increase access and inclusion at the Royal Show.
    During the 2023 Royal Show, KUDOS surveyed families’ experiences and the results were shared with the Show organisers. Whilst there were enjoyable moments of the Show, families also shared the barriers to participating.

    Through this project Kudos were able to provide a voice for children with additional needs and their families, and share these valuable insights to the Show organisers.

    At the 2024 the Royal Adelaide Show it was clear that the organisers were committed to increasing ongoing accessibility for all.  Families were able to experience new and improved inclusivity measures including:

    • Quiet Hour Schedule
    • Dedicated Sensory Information Webpage
    • A fully accessible Ferris wheel
    • Designated drop-off zone, allowing families to be closer to The Show entrance if walking distance is a challenge.
    • SACARE Carers Lounge – Further advancements providing, dignified, hygienic space for carers and people with disabilities, featuring a height-adjustable change table, hoist, and a Sensory Space for children.

    Congratulations to the Show organisers for all their efforts and planning, as they build an inclusive event for all in the community. We look forward to continuing to encourage families to attend and enjoy the Show experience.

    “Kudos joined SACARE at the start of this year to share recommendations based on a survey conducted within their Kudos community. SACARE values this input and is committed to working with the Kudos community to ensure the Carers Lounge is accessible and inclusive for everyone, from children to adults and the aging well community.”

    “The sensory space at the Royal Show was amazing. It was well promoted and easy to find. My daughter loved the space, it gave her a break from the busy environment and broke up the day for her. She got to regulate and have some quiet time without feeling like she was missing out on something as there was many things to do within the space.”

    In Progress

    Inclusive Swimming

    The Goal: Gather data to provide aquatics centres with the knowledge on how to make swimming lessons more accessible for children with disability or developmental delay.

    Community Health

    The Goal: Establish collaborative partnerships with community health services to support more efficient pathways for families.

    Children’s Voice
(6 – 8 year olds)

    The Goal: Provide children with a disability or developmental delay with a platform that enables them to have a say in how they can be more included in the community.

    “Kudos have been regular guest speakers at many MyTime groups across South Australia. MyTime groups provide opportunities for parents to connect and share their common experience of caring for children with disability, complex medical conditions or other additional needs.”

    Our People

    Kudos is a workforce of 172 professionals in early childhood development and allied health who together provide wrap around support for children, and their families to navigate the journey of development and support to access disability specialists.

    Have an Allied Health Background? Apply Here!


    Senior Physiotherapist (Current Service Lead)

    Speaking with the families of his clients and hearing their genuine appreciation for the support provided is Nathan’s highlight as a therapist. He is always thrilled to hear about his clients' achievements, no matter how small, and finds it a rewarding aspect to reflect on at the end of each day. Nathan believes Kudos will set the standard for community-based therapy supports and is eager to help develop new initiatives that leverage unique opportunities in this space.


    Service Lead

    A true problem-solver, Renee looks forward to starting her day by checking in with her team and troubleshooting any challenging situations they may be facing to support participants and their families in reaching their goals and achieving the outcomes they aspire to.


    Business Support Officer

    Georgia is one of the friendly voices many families first hear when they connect with Kudos Services. She sees Kudos as a unique community resource, helping kids access the NDIS for essential support and offering therapy services to families who may not meet NDIS criteria, ensuring every child has a solid start.


    Specialist Support Coordinator

    If you’ve met Kosta it will come as no surprise that the highlight of his day is visiting families, and witnessing the positive impact Kudos’ support has on his clients lives. He finds it incredibly rewarding to see the progress participants make through the fantastic therapy supports he has helped connect them with.


    Feel that the work they do makes a difference in the lives of others.


    Feel their teammates help them when needed.


    Are satisfied with the benefits offered by Kudos. (Flexible work environment, professional development allowance, additional 3 days leave)


    Have had a conversation with their leader in the past 6 months about career aspirations and professional growth opportunities.

    “I am glad I have been able to use my knowledge, skills and experience as an OT and feeding therapist to develop something quite unique and special to offer at Kudos!”

    –  Jess L, Occupational Therapist

    Jess launched a new and niche service in November, based on the unique needs of her client. What started as a request to understand a child’s food- seeking/obsession behaviours turned into an entire food preoccupation assessment and intervention service for children who have experienced developmental trauma – a very niche and unheard-of service in South Australia.

    Using her findings and research on trauma-informed and best practice feeding and mealtime intervention principles, Jess ran an individualised training session to educate the client’s support worker team.

    Most importantly, Jess was able to give her client a voice and help key adults in their life better understand what they are communicating through their behaviours.

    CEO/Board Chair Report

    • Rebecca Wilson

      Board Chair and Non-Executive Director
      KUDOS Services

    • Liz O’Connell

      Chief Executive Officer
      KUDOS Services


    Registered Member of ACON's Welcome Here Project - AUG 2023

    The Welcome Here Project reinforces our commitment to inclusivity and equality, particularly for LGBTQIA+ individuals. People with disabilities already face barriers to access and inclusion, and those who are also part of the LGBTQIA+ community can experience additional layers of discrimination and marginalisation. We are proud to be a registered member to show that Kudos actively supports and creates a safe, respectful, and welcoming space for all clients, staff, and community members, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Launch of Noarlunga Office - OCT 2023

    Opening of our southern site located in Can:Do Group’s Noarlunga Centre hub. This expansion into southern Adelaide will offer local families and young people with disabilities the opportunity to better access Kudos’ therapy services.

    The collaboration offers our clients a larger, dedicated space of cutting-edge therapy rooms, as well as access to the modern Community Centre facilities that include an accessible kitchen, rock climbing wall and soft play which can be available as part of therapy sessions as needed. Hosted a joint opening event with neighbouring organisations showcasing the magnificent space.

    AFL Max Partnership - MAY 2024

    Kudos has partnered with AFL Max for a fun-filled school holiday session designed for children with disabilities aged 7- 12. This 90 minute program focuses on trying new activities, meeting new friends, and enjoying an afternoon of fun in a safe, inclusive environment. Supported by our Kudos Allied Health team, this session encourages children to explore and develop new skills while connecting with peers in a relaxed, playful atmosphere. It’s the perfect opportunity for children to have a great time, meet new friends and try something new.

    Launched Hydrotherapy - MAR 2024

    Expanding our physiotherapy services in the north and south with hydrotherapy sessions. Hydrotherapy can be of significant benefit (and fun) to our young people it provides a supportive environment for movement. The buoyancy of water reduces pressure on joints and muscles, allowing for greater freedom of motion and less pain during exercise. It can help improve muscle strength, balance, and coordination, while also promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. It’s a fun and engaging way to build confidence, mobility, and independence.

    Our Values


    We are a highly skilled and experienced multidisciplinary team of child and youth therapists, sharing best practice techniques with our community of children and young people and their families or caregivers to achieve results together.


    We are bold, innovative and brave, driven to do things differently through our Australian first mutual model of integrated service delivery.


    We are a group of like-minded and purposeful people with a shared passion for improving the lives of children and young people.


    We will inspire and care for each other, take pride in our achievements through mutual celebration and ensure everyone in our community – therapists, children and families – are valued and appreciated.

    Kudos acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.